we invite you to join us and...

Become a Member

We'd love welcome you to our community and get access to our makerspace. We know that creators like to have a plan - so we've got ALL the details you need to know before making a decision here.

what's included:

Our space is part workshop, part tool share, part skillshare, and part community hub. Which means we've got a LOT to offer. Membership includes:

  • Key card access to our 2200 sq foot workshop

  • Access to equipment and tools (and the training for how to use them)

    We've got a growing list of items to help you bring your ideas to life - allowing you to create *almost* anything that needs a wood shop, metal shop, digital fabrication, or textiles. See the complete list here →

  • Online access to our community of makers

  • Short-term project storage

    Working on a big project that needs multiple-days of work? You can store it on-site in designated areas. 

Blue CNC Piece@4x
What we are@2x


We're member run. Which means your voice matters.

Our members are our greatest strength. Together, we've volunteered to create some amazing community projects. Collaborating across mediums and interest groups to directly benefit Madison County.

Members are responsible for determining the tools we acquire, events we host, and for building a space where everyone feels welcome.


No idea how to use a band saw?

Never set up a 3D printer or explored how a lathe works?

Don't let that hold you back from getting started on your next project.

We'll teach you how to safely use them! Your membership gets you access to the space, and once you've been trained you'll be able to use your card to turn on these machines.

We are committed to creating a culture of safety. Many of the tools we have are professional power tools OR delicate (such as our textile equipment, lasers, or 3D printers).

To protect the people and tools in our space, training on these tools is mandatory. Training can happen during orientation or on an as-needed-basis.


Questions? We've got answers!

Membership to the Berea Makerspace is a month-to-month subscription set to auto-draft through our membership platform ClubExpress. We recommend committing to at least three months so that you can get the full experience of being a member. Onboarding and getting familiar with the space happens in the first month - then the fun REALLY begins with events and projects.